From Product Concept to Manufacturing

Generally launching a product by industry is not as quick as we assume but it has to be passed through all these steps as mentioned below.

Product Concept :

First of all, a product is decided that can be manufactured and further can be sold in the market.

Market research :

After the product decided then its time to market research, about the requirements and other similar products available in the market.

Product Design:

Once the product has been decided and market research has also completed then product design to be done.

Prototype and testing:

Once the design of the product completed then the prototype of the product are made Using RPT and another machine.

Tool Design :

Once the prototype of the product passes the required testing criteria the required Tool and Die for the product has to be designed.

Tool Manufacturing :

After completion of the Tool design Tool to be manufactured.

Product manufacturing:

As the Tool is available now so product manufacturing will be done.

Testing & Feedback:

Once the product has been manufactured then testing will be done for a few samples.

Based upon the quality criteria and feedback mass production initiated to sell it to customer.

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