DFMA or Design for manufacturing and assembly is a process where a product is designed in such a way that the manufacturing and assembly of the product should be flawless. further, the ease of manufacturing and assembly will be up marked.

Basically, DFMA consists of two parts DFM and DFA.

DFM represents a process of design for manufacturing that consists a best design practice when manufacturing will be at ease and with lowering the cost.
DFA – Same as the above DFA represent a design process for assembly while designed the product assembly also should be at ease.

Using the DFMA approach we can smoothen the production process as well or the cost of manufacturing will also be reduced.

DESIGNED with DFMA approach Also reduced the process cost as the design is the root of the manufacturing operation.

The next part that can be defined at the time of design is material selection. Proper material selection is very important.
Standardize the process and parts.
standard parts not only eliminate new design but also reduced the further rework/rejection hence ensure a lower-cost manufacturing process.

We will further discuss here how DFMA is different from the term DFMEA , The Term DFMEA is defined as Designed failure mode effect & analysis.  This is the preventive and corrective action plan & measure for the error or problem that may occur at a different stage of manufacturing. So basically an approach of analysing all the probable failure while manufacturing it is being listed down and then in order to correct it , design to be changed.

AS new readers often confuse with the term DFMA and DFMEA so only above both explanation we gave and we tried to resolve the confusion.

Hope so Our future post will be more clear and we will try to explain everything in the simplest possible language.

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