What is Pilot Run? How is it different from prototype?

In order to run production of a product when all the machinery & Tools are ready then the pilot run is conducted.

Basically, the pilot run is a testing procedure of a product manufacturing process with available machinery and Tools Before starting the production. As it validates the process of production that’s why also called the Production Validation Test (VAT) or Production trial run.

Benefits of Pilot Run

  • Pilot Run ensures that the product is ready for production as well as identical in size
  • To analysis failure mode and further corrective action plan.
  • Overall we can say that the pilot run is to minimize the risk of the problem which may arise during production as well as to get a quality product.

How the Pilot run is different from Prototype testing?

Prototype testing is to confirm that the shape and functionality of the product as well as it just confirms the hand on experience of the user, But it doesn’t ensure that the product which will be produced through the production process will be the same as the prototype. This is because basically the process of making a prototype of a product is different from the process of manufacturing.

The prototype is made before the Tools & machinery are arranged. This is for ensuring that the product will be fit or pass by the user in all circumstances by all physical measure.

Here We can set preventive action before proceeding with production.

There is some preventive action we can take before we can go for piot lot.

  • Proper planning for the Production processes.
  • To Provide training to the operator, Supervisor and concern authority.
  • Observation for a further operation like outsource activity and packaging
  • Management issue if observed as weaker section then it can strengthen early before production.
  • All other issues can be corrected before the production process started.

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